Thursday, May 7, 2009

Meeting Rush Limbaugh in the Check Out Line

My conversation with a Trader Joe's cashier this afternoon:

TJ dude: Hey, it's a beautiful day. What are you doing today?

Me: Well, this. And work. That's about it.

TJ: What's work? What do you do?

Me: I'm a grad student.

TJ: What do you study?

Me: American Studies. And Women's Studies.

TJ: Oh no, you're not a feminist are you?

Me: Oh, that dirty word? (I can be a jerk.)

TJ: Yeah. You aren't a feminazi, are you?

Me: I really don't like that word.

TJ: What? It just means that you are hard core.

Me: That's not a great word.

TJ: Well, I didn't make it up.

Me: I know. Rush Limbaugh did.

TJ: Oh, I listen to him sometimes.

Huh. Why did this happen? And why do people think they can throw the word feminazi around in the check out line? Or anywhere?

In other news, I bought ingredients to make quinoa with tofu tomorrow. Goal for tomorrow: less bitching, more cooking:)


  1. Other favorites: white trash, wigger, oriental, post-modernist...

  2. wow I thought that was just something people wrote on the board in women's studies classes when the rooms were empty...

  3. It's amusing to imagine how impossible it would be for that conversation to occur in the Trader Joe's down the street from where I live.

  4. Mercy, I can't believe he had the nerve to just toss that out there as though it's OK to insult perfectly innocent unsuspecting strangers... SO crazy...

  5. Ah, if only we could all shop in Cali, Bry:) Maybe one day...
