Monday, November 30, 2009

Not Cooking?!

I did something a little different this Thanksgiving holiday: I didn't cook! It was the strangest thing. I haven't not cooked for Thanksgiving perhaps since I was in college. Nine years ago, oy.

So instead this year my husband and I drove 2.5 hours to the Lake of the Ozarks to hike, jog, drink hot cocoa, read books, and NOT WORK for four days. It was super lovely.

Here are the food highlights - this first photo is on Thanksgiving day where Jake and I gorged ourselves on fancy hotel cheese omelets, broccoli and cheese, and three kinds of potatoes, among other things. Here I am with a delectable slice of pear tart and coffee.
This was a real find. We drove around mid-Missouri looking for the perfect breakfast eatery and finally happened upon a cute diner in Gravois Mills, MO with $4 breakfast platters.

This might quite literally be the best pizza of my life. Shakespeare's pizza in Columbia, Missouri is fresh and overloaded with veggies and shredded cheese. It is the perfect texture and the perfect comfort food. I daydreamed about this pizza for days before tasting it.


  1. I've only had Shakespeare's twice, and I'm breaking into a cold sweat just thinking about it. I want to go to there.

  2. Jamie, I'm so glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It sounds so perfectly idylic - I'm so happy for you! You deserve it! :-)

    I love the omelet with Jake's name in ketchup! :-) Ohhhh dear, and now I'm longing for pizza... Soooo delish! :-)

  3. Ashby, I hadn't been to Shakespeare's in nine years and now I think I want to go again next weekend.

    Astra, your Thanksgiving goodies looked A-MAZ-ING!
